Sunday, August 18, 2013

'No Firearms' Signs Popping Up in Response to New AL Gun Law, GA News Weather


  1. Control freaks have to be beaten back repeatedly, since there's no limit to their desire to meddle in the rights of others.

  2. That happened here in Texas back in 1996 when CHL law was enacted. The reason behind it was that they didn't want "mud tromping, tobacco spitting, bunch of hicks" going thru their stores. It turned out that those that did carry resembled nothing of the sort. The everyday people, armed or not politely told the owners and managers of those stores posting the signs that their money would go somewhere else. And they did, there were stores that either welcomed CHL carriers or were neutral on the matter.

    No gun signs are darn near hard to find here now. It took hardly any time at all for them to come back down. The bars MUST post and 51 percent alcohol sales no gun sign, state law. Restaurants that sell alcohol for consumption and less than 50 percent of sale must post a unlicensed possession weapon charge sign as well, state law. Liquor stores must post a unlicensed possession charge as well, state law. Schools to be determined by permission policy. Police premises, court rooms and federal property is off limits. CHLs and their concealed weapons are welcome inside the state capitol, go figure. In fact the state capitol has a dedicated express lane for CHL holders which lets you bypass the metal detectors and long lines to get in with your concealed weapon.

    The same will happen in AL as well, no different than anywhere else.

    1. In Alabama they're popping up all over the place, but not in Texas?

    2. A no gun sign in Texas is a rare item Mike, unless specifically required by law, you don't find them here anymore.
